Types of Mixtures

Concept Explanation

Types of Mixtures

Mixtures are materials that contain two or more chemical substances dispersed among each other. A mixture shows the properties of its constituents. Depending on nature of components, mixture can be of two types:

  • Homogeneous Mixture : -

  •  It is a mixture in which the constituents are uniformly distributed, that is it has same composition throughout. E.g. salt dissolves in water to form a homogeneous mixture. Most homogeneous mixtures are called solutions like tea, coffee etc.

  • Heterogeneous Mixture :-

  • it is a mixture in which the constituents do not get mixed uniformly. E.g. sand and sawdust form a Heterogeneous mixture.

    Types of Mixtures: 

    Mixtures can be categorized into various types, depending on the physical states of the constituents. Some of these types are discussed here.

  • Solid - Solid mixture : A mixture of sugar (solid) and sand (solid)
  • Solid - Liquid mixture : A mixture of common salt (solid) and water (liquid) is an example of a solid—liquid mixture.
  • Solid - Gas mixture : Air in the pores of soil particles is an example of this type of mixture.
  • Liquid - Gas mixture : All gases are partially miscible with liquids like in aerated drinks.
  • Gas - Gas mixture: All gases mix together, provided they do not react chemically. For example, hydrogen and oxygen gases mix together in all proportions. Air is a mixture of several gases.
  • Liquid - Liquid mixture : Examples of liquid—liquid mixtures are water — alcohol mixture and water-oil mixture.
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which of the following is the example of solid-solid mixture ?

    Right Option : A
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Which of the following is true regarding mixtures :

    (1)  Soft drinks (lemonade, soda water, etc.) that you see in your daily life are also not pure substances but are homogeneous mixtures.

    (2)  Tincture of iodine which is used as an antiseptic is a mixture of iodine and ethanol.

    (3)   Air is a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapour, etc.

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 3

    Air is a ______________

    Right Option : D
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